July 2
Biochemically Speaking, People Are Close Relatives of Soy by Charles Harper Webb
Julie: I'm going to drop that into conversation someday. "You know, Steve, biochemically speaking..." This poem lives up to its title rather marvelously, from that first great line to this later one:
Ghosts may live
in old toupees.
Do they ever! I really enjoyed the read, though I wouldn't like to read another written in this winky-winky style right away.
Sacrament by Michelle Bitting
Julie: You know how someone might say, "I am offering an apology" instead of actually offering the apology? They talk about it as if talking about it is the same thing as actually doing. This poem struck me the same way, as if the author is telling me what she would be telling me, if she chose. And now I am telling you that I would be telling you more if I could figure out how to explain it. I would. I guess I'm pulling a show don't tell out of my rucksack, and I apologize for its dingy nature.
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