WEE reviews May 18, 2006
Plat à Décor by Michael White
The first half of this poem is rather like a catalog of art. And the thing about art is that it's pretty hard to describe to any great purpose, even in a poem. That left me feeling distant and bored. The poem ends well, once it moves past individual works and onto the artist as a person. A more visual person might find it more rewarding than I did.
Funeral, Mineral, Vegetable by Jibade-Khalil Huffman
I was completely disconnected from this poem (which is beginning to look like a pattern today). I didn't come away with any sense of meaning or any joy in the wordplay. Just nothing. Might not be the poem's fault.
11. Across, from Life As A Crossword Puzzle by Noah Falck
I'm disappointed in this poem after yesterday's. I think Falck has a lot of talent, mind you, but I don't think he's as ruthless as he needs to be with his editing. This didn't need to be flat, but it was. And the ending is especially easy.
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