WEE reviews May 15, 2006
2. Down, from Life As A Crossword Puzzle by Noah Falck
Julie: I'm stumbling out of the gate. I took the weekend off and it was a mistake. Apparently, if you let your guard down for two days, your momentum goes all to hell and all poems seem to be written in foreign languages and grunts. So these lines:
She speaks a single sentence a day,
waits for those perfect words
to gather at the base of her throat.
Really struck me. How many reviews would I write if I had to wait for the perfect words? I could count them on my nonexistent third hand.
This poem doesn't live up to its opening, I think. It's a nice poem, but nothing vivid or daring. I enjoyed the read, but though I read it first thing this morning, I didn't really have anything to say. And when I reread it 30 minutes ago, I found I had forgotten it. Worrisome.
Forgiveness by Ioanna Carlsen
Julie: Abstract, deliberately vague, and without much to sink my teeth into. I do like the juxtaposition of:
I deny you three times
The cock crows.
We marry.
Unexpected. But that tension and surprise didn't last long. Scattered, disjointed, no. This one isn't working for me.
Starling by Dorianne Laux
Julie: A very attractive poem to read aloud. Does it sacrifice sense for sound? Youbetcha. Am I okay with that? Today.
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