The Standardized Carter-Westling Empirical Weirdness Evaluation Engine

Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15

Bones Hurt When They Have Flesh on Them by Gary L. McDowell

Julie: Holy mackerel. Okay, anyone who knows me would know that this poem is simply going to be one of those poems that I adore with all of my shriveled little heart. I could give some people 100 poems and say, "Pick which one you think I'd like the best" and I can guarantee you those people would pick this poem. That means I'm predictable, but sometimes I'm predictable in a really good way. And sometimes, dammit, I get to fall in love with a poem. Bones, birds, God, death, you can't beat that with a stick.


Fall by Bob Hicok

Julie: I still can't tell if it's me or the poems. Somedays, I like all of them. Other days, none. This poem just delights me, and that final line is perfect. I love the repetition in this, the off-balance imagery. I didn't even notice the quotation marks at first, which usually toss me out of a poem. (I just tried writing a poem with dialogue. It was... not good.) But this is. Good. Excellent example of poetry being as much in the how as the what.


My Name Is Donald by Donald Revell

Julie: After two poems that felt almost designed for me, I'll end with one that is aiming at a different audience altogether. I like individual lines, but the whole never came together for me, though it tries, and the end is strong.
That is the end of my hayride with oblivion.

I dunno.