The Standardized Carter-Westling Empirical Weirdness Evaluation Engine

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Love is a many splendored thingamajig

Ultimately, destiny is about how we mean. Destiny looks for an external source of meaning, while a rejection of destiny looks internally for a source of meaning.--gabriel

But, mine leetle snowflakeski, you are forgetting something. Destiny isn't just about how we mean, but who's responsible.

Geek Chorus: "Oh, you'll find Mr. Right eventually!" "Don't compromise!" "Don't settle!" "It will all work out."

This is how we treat what meaning we've got. Love is meaning, and we paint it rosy colors and pawn it off as someone else's responsibility.

Tragic Zero: "I had an affair, but it was true love!" "I couldn't help myself." "I missed my one chance at happiness."

Who needs to try when the failure is already set? Trying isn't necessary with Destiny. It's a fool's game, a waste of time. Better off watching TV and eating Cheetos.

Geek Chorus: "There's someone for everyone!"

No, there isn't. Some humans won't be loved because they aren't worth loving. Because they are chunks of wood instead of people. Because they are takers instead of givers. Now I sound like a Hallmark Card.

Tragic Zero: "Wah!"

Oh, put a sock in it.